Friday, August 31, 2012

First Friday in Florence

I was awoken this morning by the pitter patter of the rain hitting against the shutters on my bedroom window. It was so nice to wake up this morning for a change and feel the cool breeze seeping through the slits of the shutters instead of sweating from the hot heat and the sun beaming through the window. Today I attended an informational meeting for volunteer opportunities during my time in Firenze. I am considering volunteering my time to teach english to italian students or working in a soup kitchen for at least two hours a week. I am also going to do the breast cancer walk which is held during the last weekend of September. After the volunteer meeting my roommates and I ventured to the area of the city surrounding the Duomo. We went to one of the very few places in Florence that serves iced coffee. Needless to say there is not a Dunkin Donuts or a Starbucks on every corner like there is in New York City. After a long day of walking around, a night of just kicking back and relaxing was much needed. It was around 11 o'clock when we decided to venture out again to fulfill our gelato cravings, but were quickly disappointed when we could not find a gelataria that was open for business at such a late hour. Every thing seems to close really early here except for the bars, pubs, and clubs.  Since we couldn't cure our gelato cravings we decided to make some spaghetti instead. Now it is time for bed because tomorrow we have another day of exploring that awaits us. I plan to navigate my way around the city to find my class buildings and map my route since school begins on monday! 

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